All eyes on you. With your flawless Mystic Tan.
Discover Perfect Tan's Mystic Premium+ Spray Tan Experience
All spray tans are not created equal. Discover why Mystic Tan is the #1 spray tan in the world with millions of natural looking, long lasting tans delivered.
The Mystic Premium+ session at Perfect Tan is the best Mystic Tan experience possible. We include everything from bronzers to fragrance to pH balancing accelerator…one price, no extras.
The pH balancing accelerator is a premium product we include with every Mystic Tan to ensure better results that last longer than any other spray tan.
**Mystic Tan is available at our George Ferguson Way and Chilliwack locations.

The Night Before
Your Visit
Shower, shave and exfoliate your skin. On the day of your Mystic Tan, be sure not to wear any lotion, deodorants, make-up or perfumes.
The Day of
Your Visit
Dress for the weather and wear dark, loose fitting clothing. Remember that your clothing may pick up some of the spray but it will not stain and easily washes out.
3 to 8 Hours After
Your Visit
Your Perfect Tan tanning tech will let you know when you can take a quick light shower, but it’s important that you do not use soaps or scrubs. It’s normal to notice a fair amount of spray tan washing off in the shower. Be sure to gently pat yourself dry after and avoid exfoliating.
Extend the Life of Your Mystic Tan
Apply professional tan extenders daily to lock in your spray tan. Discuss which tan extender is right for you with our Smart Tan certified experts.
Enjoy Your Spray Tan
A final important tip! Relax and enjoy the compliments on your natural looking Mystic Spray Tan.